Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Hate Being Right

I hate it. Hate being right.

I spoke with Gumball's dad. He said he would sign the divorce papers if I answered his call. So I did. And now I am sad. And sick. Its hard knowing that your soulmate exists, and that he loves you, and wishes you were still together. And that the little fragment of a person who loves you is completely submerged in another person. A crazy, hateful person, who promises nothing but pain, lies and misery.

Maybe someday, when he and I are super old, we could be friends. I miss him. Hearing his voice felt great. Jesus, I miss him. But the truth, that I shared with him, is that I will never let him back into my life again. My daughter will never have her dad walk out on her. He only offers misery and pain. I told him that I hope he works on his current relationship, takes care of his kids, and finds peace and happiness.

I'd like to find some peace and happiness too.


  1. Ugh. That sounds just awful, and it sounds like you handled it well. But... ugh!

  2. Jemima - you are one tough cookie! Even if you are the only person who doesn't know this to be true - it is true. You impress me with your strength.

  3. Thanks, you guys. S, I don't know if there is a good way to handle it. I'm pretty much damned either way. You're right, MV, I do not feel strong at all.

  4. Big hugs, J. Strength isn't really about how you feel... or I guess it is. But it's more so about what you accomplish despite those feelings. Like courage.

    (Totally off topic, but I just had that kale salad again. It was massive and I want more... grr... it's all gone.)

    Sending you love.

  5. Kale salad!!!! Shan, are we the only 2 people who realize it's the best thing ever?
