Monday, July 4, 2011

Lentil and Spinach on the 4th of July

I don't eat lentils as much as this blog would make it appear. I like lentils and recognize their healthful qualities, but had never cooked them for myself.

Then the baby came along, and I decided (based on some arbitrary reasoning) that lentils would be great for her to eat. Lentils have iron, fiber and protein. And some other things I don't really know, or care, about. So I made lentils. She ate them, so I made them again. Then she started enjoying poached chicken thighs, and garlic lamb, and cheese, and lentils took a back seat. Then my friend E came over and made lentils and spinach for her son. He can tolerate chunky foods better than Miss Barfs-A-Lot, so I was surprised that she ate some of his food. So now I'm making my own batch. I can't decide if I'm going to blend it or not.

3 cloves garlic, chopped
1tsp tumeric
1 bag lentils (approx 2 cups after you spill some down the sink while rinsing)
3 cups chicken broth (can use water, definitely use low sodium broth)
3tbsp olive oil
* 1 pear, peeled, cored and diced (or an apple, nectarine, peach, or other sweet fruit). This item is asterisk'ed because it is optional. Best for blended lentils and spinach too.

1 bag frozen spinach

Add lentils, broth, tumeric, garlic, and olive oil to saucepan. (Also pear, if using it.) Bring to boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cook for approximately 45 minutes (until soft but not completely mushy.)

Cook spinach (I did it with a little water, in a covered bowl in the microwave.) Remove spinach from microwave and chop (unless you decide to blend everything together.) Mix chopped spinach with lentils once cooked. You can cook them together too, instead of separately.

If blending: mix cooked spinach with lentils. Blend.

This will make quite a bit. You can either eat some, and share with the family, or you can freeze it in little chunks (using ice cube or baby food trays.)

Happy 4th of July, readers. If you're out there (resounding silence.)

Today the baby and I were visited by my aunt, C. She is my dad's sister, and came back into my life after a long absence, six months ago. I lived with my dad when my parents got divorced. After 24 years of living with his erratic, unpredictable, negative moods and behaviors, I let him know that I would no longer tolerate him screaming at me and insulting me. It took 24 years for me to tell him that I no longer wanted to hear that I was too fat to be loved, or that I loved my mom more than him. Those are just sampling of his more frequent refrains. Loving my mom more turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophesy, but when I think back on how he never let me have a childhood and instead filled my life with fear, anxiety, and burdens way too heavy for a child- I still support my decision to cut ties. Now that Gumball is here, it's even more clear. I could never leave her alone with him. I believe in chores and responsibilities. Don't misunderstand me. I've always driven myself harder and harsher than anyone else could. But I don't believe an 8 year-old should be in charge of household cleaning or cooking. I also don't think 8 year-olds should have to worry about money (while watching their custodial parent waste it on drugs and beer.) Again, don't misunderstand me. I love drugs and beer. Just kidding!!! I love a good wheat beer though, no jokes.

I digress. When I stopped speaking to my dad in 2000, I lost touch with his sister, and my cousins. She found me on Facebook when I was pregnant, and has provided a lot of love and support since then. She came up to visit me today. She has three sons, and her three sons gave her five grandsons, and no granddaughters. Gumball is very special to her. And Gumball seems to love her back. It was so nice to spend the day with her. It felt festive and special. I am so thankful that I got to spend this beautiful family holiday with her. I was afraid I would feel lonely, but I didn't. Today I am so lucky.

Actually, it has been a wonderful long weekend. I fear and dread long weekends, these days. Not just because I get very little help, as my nanny doesn't come. But also because I have this sense that people are gathering together as happy family units, while Gumball and I are frequently alone. My mind wanders, and I imagine Gumball's dad, together with his boys and first ex-wife (I think I'm going to refer to her as Cuntmuffin from now on. It makes me laugh and seems appropriately dumb. There are no names for him, so unless one comes to me in a flurry of inspiration, he's set. Anyhow, after thinking of him, together with his other family, I feel enraged, hurt, and heartbroken. And I miss those boys so terribly.  But this didn't happen today. A holiday where I don't feel alone and forgotten. Thank you, Aunt C.

Again, happy 4th. Let's all hope the fireworks don't wake the baby.


  1. I am friends with Shan from BBC. She said you were like us, and I do believe I like your sense of humor, especially when you go EVIL, like using Cuntmuffin as a term of "endearment". I laughed out loud while reading that sentence. And I do love a good laugh.

    I have seen your posts on BBC and have thought of you as intelligent and witty so I'm happily surprised to find that you are friends with Shan and to read your witty blog. (I was chatting with Shan online on Facebook when I saw that she had friended a "Jemima". I told her I LOVE that she has a friend named Jemima. She told me about you and I realized that I've seen you around on BBC so I'm stalking you like Shan told me to do.)

    I do believe that you are a very strong person, even if you don't want to be or even feel like being strong, you just are. You're doing the best that you can do, and it's pretty damn good, for that little girl of yours. And she is really cute!! I've got a couple of good looking little boys that we can discuss a love connection and perhaps a dowry.

    Keep on keepin' on, Mama!! You're doin' FINE!!

  2. Awww, thanks, Janette! I know you too! You're funny. And I'm sure anyone Shan recommends is a quality person, worth knowing. I look forward to getting to know you (stalking you back).
