Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Post Script for my Readers


I want to add something.

I've had this blog for a few months, and have yet to tell my real life friends about it. I have linked to some of their blogs, so they may have found me out. I may or may not share this blog. Every single motherfucking day I put on a brave face. The baby doesn't see me cry (*unless the fire alarm in her room breaks and I feel very stressed out), and my friends don't see me cry. I don't cry on people's shoulders. Not like I have that many people to cry on here, now that I've moved. I don't want them to know how sad and pathetic I am. I am trying to move on. I love my friends, and they have kept me going during this. Only one or two of them know how low I have gotten. I don't want to burden the rest. One of my biggest supporters is fighting stage 2 breast cancer. While working full time, and living alone in a new city. And I cry about R? Absurd. I'm not sure I can share this part of myself with my friends who know me in real life. I don't want them to know and I don't want to burden them. We'll see. Maybe my vanity and desire to self-expose will win out. Who knows? Maybe when I have some sort of triumphant return, I will someday share these sad entries.

Anyhow, I wanted to say thank you to my 5 subscribers, and commenters. Shan, Carmen, and others, I really appreciate your comments. Thanks for stopping by. I don't have much happiness in my life these days, and the small kindness of reading a stranger's words means something to me. I know you two and others are moms, and our time is especially precious.

Thank you.


  1. Well, I made it here! (Those pesky links!) You know how I feel about the crap you're going through, so I won't say it again. I will say, though, that I really like reading your blog - the funny bits make me laugh and the photos make me go "awwww" and the sad bits make me cry, and all of it sounds like you.

    I think that most people our age know (or they WILL) that all of us find ourselves in a shitty situation, desperately sad and afraid, at some point. And I think that most people can get past the initial smug tingle of "Phew, I'm glad that isn't happening to ME right now!" in a heartbeat and move right on to just being there for you, and for your girl.

    So I encourage you to tell your "real-life" friends (though your non-"real-life" friends seem kind of awesome and definitely real)about your blog, and/or about how sad you feel.

    Also, hi! Please keep posting!

  2. Hi back! I'm touched you're here. I don't know how I would have made it through the past year without you. I know sometimes people say things like that for emphasis, but in this case I mean it. Reading your messages, getting your really valuable advice, care packages... I probably owe you my remaining sanity. Don't laugh too hard. I mean it!

    And maybe I will. Tell people.
