Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fashion Advice from a Toddler

Today, at breakfast, Gumball informed me that it looked like I was wearing a bib. "Mama wear a bib."

I was wearing this shirt:
Clearly, I am wearing a bib. Thanks, Gumball. They grow up so fast.

Gumball is so funny lately. Talking is a blast. Not everyone can understand her, but those who can, hear sentences. She says things like, "I don't want milk (pronounced "munkle" or "meeeeeaalk")." Today she placed her toys in her time out spot, and gave them all a time out. When I turn on music in the car, she sings louder. Before she goes to sleep at night (7pm, whatever) she likes to talk about what we did during the day. Or what she thinks we did during the day. She has an active imagination.

She loves Pumpkin, all monkeys, frogs ("hogs"), Clifford, and, of course, babies. She currently has: Binky Baby, Water Baby, Little Dada (x2), and Tiny Baby (x2). We aren't very creative about names. But she loves them all.

In other news, I've also started encouraging Gumball to help me. I give her little tasks, and she actually does them. She loves to throw away bits of trash, and put dirty clothes in the hamper. Today, Nana was asking me where she left her shoes, and Gumball ran to retrieve them. Smart, and a proficient eavesdropper.

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