Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sick Gumball

Gumball is sick. She slept til 9am this morning. A first. I assumed she was just tired, since she had a very active day yesterday, and didn't nap much. I was excited. I thought- oh yay! We'll get to have a good time at playgroup and maybe convince friends to come over or go out to lunch! Wheee! And then she coughed a couple of times, and started rolling around, so I went into her room to get her ready.

She didn't even look up when I came in. I opened the blinds, and she didn't move. I picked her up. She had vomited and it was dried n one side of the sheets. She was hot, burning hot, and limp. And quite unresponsive. My baby can't tolerate a poopy diaper. When she woke this morning, she had an old, poopy diaper. First time ever. She was completely out of it. I changed her, and brought her into bed with me to nurse. She nursed, and then fell asleep. When she woke up, I called her doctor. Love that practice. Such kind medical providers. Brought her to the doctor later in the morning. Viral infection. Clear ears, red throat. She slept on the way home (*this is the baby who slept for 30 mins on a 7 hour round-trip ride to Massachusetts.) Ate a little lunch. Napped for 2.5 hours (longest nap ever). Played, ate, and went to bed early.

What a nerve-wracking experience. I am so scared, and anxious. I hope my sweet, little 24lb Gumball is better in the morning.


  1. Ugh, that sounds like a really scary way to start your day! I hope everyone's feeling a lot better now.

  2. I'm sorry, Mama. I hope she feels better soon.
