Friday, May 6, 2011


I just started working on my second photo album for the baby. Its about half done. She's not yet 9 months old. And I've documented approximately 300 good photos worth of her experiences. Which is, ahem, more days than she's been living. Yup. This doesn't come close to the thousands of photos I didn't print, or the countless (close to 90) videos I've uploaded to our youtube channel.

At first, I took photos because I wanted to document Gumball's happy infancy. I was heartbroken and defeated, but I wanted to make it seem like we were having nonstop fun. Now I'm just obsessed with how adorable she is. I can't stop. Every moment with her seems so precious, and fleeting. Its just so weird to me. I long for a break. I imagine a night in a hotel, alone, watching tv and eating take out and mostly just sleeping for hours and hours and not worrying. But even now, in the precious few hours while she sleeps, I miss her. I never imagined how I could love someone so much, and at the same time, be so utterly exhausted. Long with every fiber for a break, but miss her in the moments we're apart. She is the most special and unique person I've ever experienced. Funny, and brave, and determined. Intense yet delicate. I love her so much.

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