Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What My Life is Like

I just got off the phone with my mom. She said that a friend of hers stopped by, and offered her some "beef or meat." She was, reasonably, confused.

Say it out loud.

Beef-or-meat. Beeformeat. BEAVER MEAT. O.M.G. Yup. Beaver meat. Someone offered my mom beaver meat.

And she took some!

Gah. Beaver meat doesn't really appeal to me. I'd try it though, just out of curiosity. I've had lots of different meats: venison, alligator, emu, llama, guinea pig, gosh I'm sure there must be more that I'm forgetting.

In other news, Gumball woke three times last night. She's sick. Stuffed up. I'm quite tired, and I feel really sorry for her. Can you even imagine a time before you knew how to blow your nose?

On a happy note, one of Gumball's still incubating, soon-to-be playmate, "Ruby," is now 24 weeks old. Grow, Ruby, grow!

Let's keep our fingers crossed for a decent night's sleep, for mama and baby.


  1. As long as beaver meat doesn't taste like goat, I'm sure it's great. Goat? Bla-a-a-a-a.

    Hoping you and G are both sleeping sweetly right now.

    Congratulations to Baby Ruby for meeting this first huge milestone!

  2. Shan- yes, I've had goat too. Many times. I _like_ it. Curried goat, goat stew, Peruvian goat... yum!

    We did get one good night's sleep. Thank god!
