Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the Old, in with 2012

I am _very_ tired of having to go upstairs multiple times after putting Gumball to bed, just to make sure she hasn't pooped herself. She won't cry if she has, she'll just sit there and play, in the dark, for an inordinate amount of time. Tonight she played for 35 minutes, I went up to check, and she was fine. Clean. I reminded her to go to sleep. Grrr...

But now, when I say, "night night, Gumball," she says "night night, Mama." It is incredibly sweet. So sweet, in fact, that I don't want to put her in her bed. I just want to hold and cuddle her, and hear her say, "night night, Mama" over and over again. It's much better than her other phrases. Like "A-choo Dada" (fake sneezing) and "I need Bobo!" (I Need Bobo is an amazing, cute book. That Gumball loves.)

Well, 2011 has been one hell of a year. I moved, bought a new house, got divorced. Gumball had a birthday. I made wonderful new friends. Apparently I lost some old friends too. It makes me so sad that some people I thought I was close to decided to end our friendship. Or didn't decide, exactly, but simply stopped returning my calls, texts, and emails. Lame. 2011 makes me wonder about people.

I hope 2012 is better. I hope I go on one date, at least. I hope I can lose some weight, get back on anti-anxiety medicine, and see more of my friends. Make it out to Seattle, Lakeville, Chicago, Atlanta, and Boston. To see all my friends who I miss so much. I hope Gumball's dad decides to be a positive and consistent figure in her life; or nothing at all. I can't wait to see how Gumball grows and changes. I am so excited to hear her new words and sentences.

So friends, Happy New Year. I wish you all a 2012 full of peace, love, joy, lots of free time, easy and rewarding weight-loss (or gain, if you're so inclined), delicious, home-cooked meals, socks always matching up after being dried, inexplicable yet arresting washboard abs, and good health.

I leave you all with this silly anecdote. I thought my window washer fluid in my car was low. So I forgot and forgot and eventually remembered to buy more. I wanted to fill the washer fluid tank, but I forgot how to open the hood of my car. (Don't judge 'til you have a baby, haters.) I read the manual. Filled the tank. Started the car. No washer fluid in the rear window. Then I pushed the lever back, instead of just twisting the lever-handle. Yup. It worked.

Moral: Having a baby makes you dumb. Really fucking dumb. It's amazing I still know how to breathe. That said, every day I learn more, remember more, and get a little more or myself back. Fuck you, 2011. I'm done with tears and doubt. Welcome, 2012.


  1. Here here.

    And here's to 2012 starting out good and ending great.

    Love ya,

    Shan :+)

  2. Thanks, Shan. I have high hopes. Sort of ;)
