Friday, November 18, 2011

I Am:

- Tired

- Sick

- Tired of being sick

- Sick of being tired

- Pessimistic

- Proud I finished a session of Zumba and signed up for a second session

- Just as fat as I was prior to taking a Zumba class

- Avoiding my blog bc I want to but feel very sad about having to write another entry about a friend who died. (No, he didn't die this week, but when I wrote about Ray, I realized I also needed to write about Henry too. Men are dropping like flies.)

- Sad

- Realizing that I won't have a date before my birthday

- Worried. I wake up at night worrying about everything

- Reading Young Adult fiction like a fiend. (Loved Hunger Games trilogy, really enjoyed Graceling and Fire, Liking Uglies.)

In a terrible state of snittiness and irritation and self-pity. I'm lonely. I want to be able to order take out (WTF Northern VT. No fucking delivery.)

Gumball isn't napping well at all, and spent about a week waking up once a night. But she's walking all over, like a tiny, drunk midget. She's so much happier now that she can walk. A complete delight. She walks and talks, like a real person! I love her so much, and despite my generally pissy mood, I am completely charmed and in love with her. She is in love with her baby dolls (Dada, and little Dada) and kitty. She already has a wicked sense of humor. Last night I was putting her into her crib- kissing her and telling her how much I love her. And she pushed away from me and said, "bye." I was dismissed.


  1. How can there be no delivery? Isn't this America?

    Gumball sounds like a fun little girl.

    Sorry you're having a rough time again. It's hard when good people die, even if everything else around you was going well up to that point. Don't beat yourself up for feeling down.


  2. It's rural America. No delivery. Un-fucking-believable. Most of the time, I love cooking. I think I just want a little pampering. _Not happening any time soon_

    Yeah, I just need to shake this mood. Thanks for being there, Shan.

  3. Little ones walking are so delightful to watch. They really do look like little drunk midgets.

    Sorry you're feeling crappy. Feel better mama.
