Saturday, November 19, 2011

Grumpy, Lonely and Mean

Title says it all.

I am dreading Thanksgiving. The two years when I had Gumball's dad, my stepsons, and my mom together to share the day with, were absolutely wonderful. Pretty much my idea of a perfect life. And I've been lucky. So many Thanksgivings have been like this- big gatherings of friends and family. Lots of work and noise and food. Laughter.

This year, it's going to be me, mom and Gumball. Some of my friends were supposed to come, but cancelled. I'm cooking a full meal, but I'm a step away from serving frozen pizza.

Really hard to keep my chin up these days. Nothing specific, just lots of small sad things pecking away at me like a flock of zombie chickens.


  1. Oh, the zombie chickens. That's bad. Don't let them drag you down to the ground, because then you're finished.

    I think occasional mini-Thanksgivings are inevitable. We're having one this year, and we're contemplating starting a new tradition for mini-Thanksgivings. Like... going to a bad movie in the theater and having burritos afterward. Or, I don't know, eating breakfast for dinner. Or a board game marathon. Something that's special but also acknowledges that it's not going to be a "normal" big loud Thanksgiving.

    Hang in there!

  2. Damn zombie chickens. There has to be a way to make them leave.

    We have an annual tradition of people canceling the morning of our Thanksgiving dinner (we have ours on Friday).

  3. Love you two. S- I love your idea. When Gumball's old enough to go to the movies, we're doing that FOR SURE. I love the movies, and miss them. And Shan- that sucks about your friends cancelling! I'd be MAAAAD!

  4. Well, they did it twice in a row, so they didn't even get invited this year. (I may not be the quickest, but I catch on.)

  5. Shan, you have _got_ to be kidding me. Boy, that's terribly rude! This year... THEY GET NOTHING! And they'll like it!
