Friday, October 21, 2011

A Year Ago

A year ago today was the lowest I've ever been. I had just returned to my old house. The baby was waking every 2 to 3 hours all night. I was so scared, depressed, and exhausted, that I couldn't sleep at all. I was terrified to be alone. I thought my ex was going to show up unexpectedly, and murder me to take the baby. Why did I think this? I was insane. And exhausted. I was so scared, I got my neighbor to change the locks, and then I bought a big, expensive home security system. Still couldn't sleep. I was hungry, my hair was falling out, and I was so devastated.

10/21 is older stepson's birthday. A year ago, a reminder came up on my phone. I remember crying and crying, and not being able to stop. I couldn't even imagine being happy again.

I flinched when I realized what day today is. I miss my stepsons. They're strong, smart, loving kids. I loved being their stepmom, and I miss them a lot. I still worry about them, and hope they are happy, healthy, and thriving. I worry about the choices their parents have made, and wish there was something I could do for them. You know. Without their worthless parents knowing or benefiting in any way.

A year later, and so much has changed. I'm still sad, but feel like the overwhelming, oppressive depression has lifted. I'm still tired, but I get 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night. Usually uninterrupted, sometimes interrupted once. I moved, I made new friends and reestablished relationships with old friends. I've cooked some amazing food. I have raised a lovely, smart, hilarious, kitty, book, babydoll and ball-loving baby girl. She's the light of my life every day. I wouldn't say that I'm fully happy yet. But I'm not anxious all the time, and I do smile and laugh sometimes. Not enough. I need to work on that.

Here are some old photos of my stepsons. Aren't they beautiful? They look so much like my little Gumball.


  1. They are beautiful, just like you.

    I'm glad you see such a difference since last year. You're going the right way!

    And I remember freaking out about my ex, too. Partially justified, partially pure anxiety. It's hard to judge while you're in it where the percentages lie.

  2. You, Gumball and the little step sons are all adorable !!!!
    I really see the resemblance!!!! SO glad a yr is behind and you are better :) i love your blog you make me smile even when i am in a pissy i hate the world mood just by seeing your pic with gumball then reading your post makes me hope i can be as strong as you :)

  3. Thanks you guys :)

    Shan- I'm sorry you freaked about your ex too. God, I was so irrational. Even so, his behavior was so unpredictable that I couldn't imagine what his next step would be. And I really appreciate you saying that I'm going the right way. I think I am too, but sometimes I wonder if this is what's best for me.

    LilPumpkin- I missed you! And thanks for the compliments. Gumball does look like her 1/2 brothers. I'm glad I make you smile, and I know that you're just as strong as I am. Probably stronger. How are things going for you these days?

  4. They do look so much alike. Adorable children!
    Glad you are feeling better and stronger than before.
