Saturday, October 1, 2011

What a Difference a Day (or 2) Make

I had bacon and eggs for dinner, and may have a glass of wine, or a beer, for dessert.

Got _yet another_ text message from R last night:
I don't want to divorce you. 

I spent the night tossing and turning (apparently so did little Rat, bc she woke up twice). I was sad. I felt lonely and awful, and missed R so badly. I didn't respond to his text. Then I spoke with my mom, and she felt that the least inciting response would be to ask him to please sign the paperwork. I agreed. So I wrote him, "will you please just sign and return the paperwork."

To which he responded:
I'm going to have a lawyer look it over first.  I don't think it's quite fair.

I am spitting mad. The case has already been to court. The divorce is costing me A LOT of money. $5,000 so far. And I'm pretty certain it's going to be at least twice that. And NOW, NOW, he wants to get a lawyer? NOW he asserts that the settlement WE agreed on isn't fair?



I think he is going to try to get money from me, somehow. We weren't married long enough for him to qualify for anything. But, my fear, my absolute terror, is that he will try to leverage visitation with my sweet little Gumball. I hope, for her sake, that she has a loving and supportive relationship with her dad. I hope he wouldn't try to take her just to get money from me. I am really scared, and very, very angry. Not quite angry enough to share his messages with his friends, family, and most importantly, that whore he lives with, but close.

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