Thursday, October 27, 2011

All and Sundry

Poor little Gumball has a cold. It's her first. I know I'm jinxing myself to many more colds by writing this. I feel so unable to soothe her. I can't wait til she's old enough to lie on the couch and watch game shows and drink ginger ale. That's what I did when I was sick as a kid. Totally fun. No whammys! And is the Price of Right interminable? I remember it going on and on and on for absolutely ever. Hour after hour of blurry, feverish fun.

We've been busy. Two playgroups a week, music class, swimming. Regular life. Etc. I feel like I'm getting into a routine of sorts, and I'm really enjoying all my (our) new friends. Grateful for an end to so many days alone.

My mom has been incredible helpful too. Ever since Gumball's nanny was out for two weeks, my mom has been really stepping up and helping more. She came over today, and I had made some pasta for dinner, and for her to take home. Nothing fancy. Lots of veggies: spinach, carrots, onions, garlic, scallions, peppers- everything that needed to be cooked immediately. In a tomato sauce, with ground pork (mom doesn't eat beef) and chicken sausage. Surprisingly delicious. I feel good when I make something healthy, and when I cook enough so mom doesn't have to make dinner. Living alone, in the land of zero delivery, means cooking every single meal. It's such a delight when someone brings dinner. And I like to share that feeling with my mom, and my friends. Wish I could do it more. If only the damn grocery store delivered, I would cook more for other people.

Winter is coming. I need to start thinking about weaning the baby. I want to breastfeed until she's 18 months old. I'm going to miss our morning cuddles very much though.

I've been doing weekly, or semi-weekly, phone therapy sessions with my old therapist. It makes me feel so good to talk to her, and also to hear, reflected in her voice, that I'm not entirely insane. I feel good, actually. My lawyer has the signed papers from Gumball's dad. She hasn't reviewed them yet, but it feels one step closer to closure.

Zumba has been good. I'm going to sign up for another 12 week session tonight. Those two hours a week are good for my soul. And the little bit of exercise I manage to glean out of the classes is good for my ass. And gut.

I have a small hope too. I'd like to go on a date while I'm still 36. Nothing serious, obviously. But a for real, adult, fun date. Pizza and beer would be so fun. And next weekend, we have a ladies movie night planned. I'm so excited.