Saturday, April 23, 2011

Just Another Effing Growth Experience

A long time ago, in a land far, far away (no, really- I'm talking about Bolivia), a good friend of mine told me that hard times in life are "just another fucking growth experience." I'm still waiting for the effing growth to stop. Both literally and figuratively. My pre-pregnancy jeans don't fit the same way anymore, and I'm waiting for this hellacious period of personal growth to subside. The growing pains have been quite intense.

Nevertheless, here I am, starting a blog. I've never had less to say, or more.

So, let's establish a few ground rules.  I promise to not write exclusively about the baby. I will write mostly about the baby, but not entirely. I will keep this up-to-date. Mostly. As much as a single mom can. I won't complain too much, but I will be truthful.

In case you haven't tuned in lately, there have been some major changes in my life. I got married, I got pregnant (yes, in that order,) I discovered that the person I thought was my soul mate wasn't, I became a single mom, I survived. I continue to survive. I don't always feel like it, but I keep on keeping on, for the little 18 pound lady who rules my life with an iron fist, and who gives me a reason to keep on trying. Maybe someday I will get it right.

I'm going to take a cue from a friend who blogs, and not mention the sweet baby's real name. She has 100's of nicknames, from: chicken legs, rat baby, gumball and goober. I figure she can start her own blog when she wants to, but I will try to preserve some of her privacy. She is the best thing in the world. At 8 months, she has such an intense personality, it amazes me. I had no idea babies were like little adults. She adores the cat, Pumpkin. She cries when people laugh loudly. She practices new skills relentlessly. Now it's clapping. I say "good job!" and she claps and smiles. She studies her toys and either pats them or shakes them. Little ratbaby is totally into percussion. 

Being a mom has been a crazy trip so far.

Not to elicit any "Baby Boom" comparisons ( but another reason I wanted to write this journal is to share the recipes for the amazing baby food I've been creating. Making baby food isn't something I had thought about doing, but as it turns out, I really enjoy it. Gumball has different ideas about the food I make, but tough. Mama knows best.

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