Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a wonderful week of Easter celebrations. Moving has been bittersweet. I miss nursing school, and my friends. My future feels uncertain. I no longer have any sort of plan, beyond trying to be the best parent I can be. It's terrifying. I miss what I thought my life was going to be. On the other hand, I feel so lucky to have re-kindled my longest friendship ever, and to have met someone who I am sure is going to become a lifelong friend. And their kids will go to school with Gumball. How awesome is this for her? Having friends from (almost) birth? Since my ex and most of his family have chosen to not participate in Gumball's life, it has been a constant source of pain that I have done such a poor job in providing her with a family. I feel that moving back home will give Gumball a family of extended friends.

I digress. We had a great Easter week with some of our new, and old friends.

The baby doesn't even cry anymore when she sees other babies. This is a very good thing. There's nothing like having a child so under-socialized that she cries when she sees other babies.

This photo is from a little get-together we had- dying eggs (my mom to my friend E: "Oh, too bad your egg turned out that way") and eating. D spent some time teaching the babes to clap. Needless to say, I practiced clapping for moths, with no results. D clapped twice, and Gumball was clapping. Now she claps all the time: when I say "good job" or sing "If You're Happy and You Know It," and sometimes, if I'm lucky, during middle of the night diaper changes. I am *that* lucky. Anyhow, here is D conducting clapping lessons.

I love that Gumball is totally focused, while her friend, L, is like "hey... her legs are white. Whats up with that?"

These festivities were a full week before Easter. On Easter day, we went to D's house for her annual girls only tea party, and then to Nana's house.

So yeah. Things are good. I feel blessed. Happy Easter.

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